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Hello, world

ยท 3 min read
Alex Holliday
Full Stack Developer @ Bluewave Labs

Hello! Welcome to Alex's Site of Many Things.

This is a blog about trying to tell computers how to behave in a way we find useful.

If we can do that, we can build things.

Hopefully they are good things of high quality.

More likely they will be reasonable things of decent quality.

Sometimes they will be unfortunate things of passable quality.

Rarely they will be bad things of poor quality.


Try to build better things! I think it will help.

Where to startโ€‹

It's been a long road getting to a point where I feel comfortable considering myself a less bad software developer.

There still days where I clock out and think to myself:

"Yes, indeed I have made the world a worse place today for having touched a keyboard"

Thankfully they are fewer and farther between.

The depth and breadth of the field is so great that one is unlikely to ever be able to consider oneself supremely competent in any particular branch unless they pursue it single mindedly.

That said we can do our best to at least not be incompetent at most of the things we're going to do on a daily basis.

Having worn many hats and worked in many different parts of the world, I consider the workplace lacking in incompetence to be a rare beast indeed.

So! A modest goal then: let us banish our incompetence and approach, if asymptotically, blessed competence.

TL;DR: Let's try not to be bad at our jobs together!

Making Thingsโ€‹

A note about making things, and just things in general. I've found that many things in life follow a normal distribution, so I expect the things I make to also follow a similar distribution:

If you're here to learn things with me then let's get started!

Let us slowly but surely, with the unshakeable faith that we shall succeed, shift our normal distribution to the right.

If we can do this, I promise that we will, on average at least, start making better things.

Disclaimer I don't promise we won't make some bad things along the way. It's part of the journey ๐Ÿ˜„


Don't make bad things! Especially really bad things.

const badThing = (s) => {
